Source code for

import neo
import neo.description
import quantities as pq
import scipy as sp
import _scipy_quantities as spq

[docs]def apply_to_dict(fn, dictionary, *args): """ Applies a function to all spike trains in a dictionary of spike train sequences. :param function fn: Function to apply. Should take a :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` as first argument. :param dict dictionary: Dictionary of sequences of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects to apply the function to. :param args: Additional arguments which will be passed to ``fn``. :returns: A new dictionary with the same keys as ``dictionary``. :rtype: dict """ applied = {} for k in dictionary: applied[k] = [fn(st, *args) for st in dictionary[k]] return applied
[docs]def bin_spike_trains(trains, sampling_rate, t_start=None, t_stop=None): """ Creates binned representations of spike trains. :param dict trains: A dictionary of sequences of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. :param sampling_rate: The sampling rate which will be used to bin the spike trains as inverse time scalar. :type sampling_rate: Quantity scalar :type t_start: The desired time for the start of the first bin as time scalar. It will be the minimum start time of all spike trains if ``None`` is passed. :type t_start: Quantity scalar :param t_stop: The desired time for the end of the last bin as time scalar. It will be the maximum stop time of all spike trains if ``None`` is passed. :type t_stop: Quantity scalar :returns: A dictionary (with the same indices as ``trains``) of lists of spike train counts and the bin borders. :rtype: dict, Quantity 1D with time units """ if t_start is None or t_stop is None: max_start, max_stop = maximum_spike_train_interval(trains) if t_start is None: t_start = max_start if t_stop is None: t_stop = max_stop t_start = t_start.rescale(t_stop.units) duration = t_stop - t_start num_bins = (sampling_rate * duration).simplified bins = sp.arange(num_bins + 1) * (duration / num_bins) + t_start return apply_to_dict(_bin_single_spike_train, trains, bins), bins
def _bin_single_spike_train(train, bins): """ Return a binned representation of SpikeTrain object. :param train: A spike train to bin. :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` :param bins: The bin edges, including the rightmost edge, with time units. :type bins: Quantity 1D :returns: The binned spike train. :rtype: 1-D array """ return sp.histogram(train.rescale(bins.units), bins)[0]
[docs]def concatenate_spike_trains(trains): """ Concatenates spike trains. :param sequence trains: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects to concatenate. :returns: A spike train consisting of the concatenated spike trains. The spikes will be in the order of the given spike trains and ``t_start`` and ``t_stop`` will be set to the minimum and maximum value. :rtype: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` """ t_start, t_stop = maximum_spike_train_interval({0: trains}) return neo.SpikeTrain( spq.concatenate([train.view(type=pq.Quantity) for train in trains]), t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop)
[docs]def minimum_spike_train_interval( trains, t_start=-sp.inf * pq.s, t_stop=sp.inf * pq.s): """ Computes the maximum starting time and minimum end time that all given spike trains share. This yields the shortest interval shared by all spike trains. :param dict trains: A dictionary of sequences of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. :param t_start: Minimal starting time to return. :type t_start: Quantity scalar :param t_stop: Maximum end time to return. If ``None``, infinity is used. :type t_stop: Quantity scalar :returns: Maximum shared t_start time and minimum shared t_stop time as time scalars. :rtype: Quantity scalar, Quantity scalar """ if t_stop is None: t_stop = sp.inf * pq.s # Load data and find shortest spike train for st in trains.itervalues(): if len(st) > 0: # Minimum length of spike of all spike trains for this unit t_start = max(t_start, max((t.t_start for t in st))) t_stop = min(t_stop, min((t.t_stop for t in st))) return t_start, t_stop
[docs]def maximum_spike_train_interval( trains, t_start=sp.inf * pq.s, t_stop=-sp.inf * pq.s): """ Computes the minimum starting time and maximum end time of all given spike trains. This yields an interval containing the spikes of all spike trains. :param dict trains: A dictionary of sequences of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. :param t_start: Maximum starting time to return. :type t_start: Quantity scalar :param t_stop: Minimum end time to return. If ``None``, infinity is used. :type t_stop: Quantity scalar :returns: Minimum t_start time and maximum t_stop time as time scalars. :rtype: Quantity scalar, Quantity scalar """ if t_stop is None: t_stop = sp.inf * pq.s for st in trains.itervalues(): if len(st) > 0: t_start = min(t_start, min((t.t_start for t in st))) t_stop = max(t_stop, max((t.t_stop for t in st))) return t_start, t_stop
def _handle_orphans(obj, remove): """ Removes half-orphaned Spikes and SpikeTrains that occur when removing an object upwards in the hierarchy. """ if isinstance(obj, neo.Segment): for s in obj.spikes: if s.unit: if not remove: s.segment = None else: try: s.unit.spikes.remove(s) except ValueError: pass for st in obj.spiketrains: if st.unit: if not remove: st.segment = None else: try: st.unit.spiketrains.remove(st) except ValueError: pass elif isinstance(obj, neo.Unit): for s in obj.spikes: if s.segment: if not remove: s.unit = None else: try: s.segment.spikes.remove(s) except ValueError: pass for st in obj.spiketrains: if st.segment: if not remove: st.unit = None else: try: st.segment.spiketrains.remove(st) except ValueError: pass elif isinstance(obj, neo.RecordingChannelGroup): for u in obj.units: _handle_orphans(u, remove)
[docs]def remove_from_hierarchy(obj, remove_half_orphans=True): """ Removes a Neo object from the hierarchy it is embedded in. Mostly downward links are removed (except for possible links in :class:`neo.core.Spike` or :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects). For example, when ``obj`` is a :class:`neo.core.Segment`, the link from its parent :class:`neo.core.Block` will be severed. Also, all links to the segment from its spikes and spike trains will be severed. :param obj: The object to be removed. :type obj: Neo object :param bool remove_half_orphans: When True, :class:`neo.core.Spike` and :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` belonging to a :class:`neo.core.Segment` or :class:`neo.core.Unit` removed by this function will be removed from the hierarchy as well, even if they are still linked from a :class:`neo.core.Unit` or :class:`neo.core.Segment`, respectively. In this case, their links to the hierarchy defined by ``obj`` will be kept intact. """ classname = type(obj).__name__ # Parent for arbitrary object if classname in neo.description.many_to_one_relationship: for n in neo.description.many_to_one_relationship[classname]: p = getattr(obj, n.lower()) if p is None: continue l = getattr(p, classname.lower() + 's', ()) try: l.remove(obj) except ValueError: pass # Many-to-many relationships if isinstance(obj, neo.RecordingChannel): for rcg in obj.recordingchannelgroups: try: idx = rcg.recordingchannels.index(obj) if rcg.channel_indexes.shape[0] == len(rcg.recordingchannels): rcg.channel_indexes = sp.delete(rcg.channel_indexes, idx) if rcg.channel_names.shape[0] == len(rcg.recordingchannels): rcg.channel_names = sp.delete(rcg.channel_names, idx) rcg.recordingchannels.remove(obj) except ValueError: pass if isinstance(obj, neo.RecordingChannelGroup): for rc in obj.recordingchannels: try: rc.recordingchannelgroups.remove(obj) except ValueError: pass _handle_orphans(obj, remove_half_orphans)
[docs]def extract_spikes(train, signals, length, align_time): """ Extract spikes with waveforms from analog signals using a spike train. Spikes that are too close to the beginning or end of the shortest signal to be fully extracted are ignored. :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` :param train: The spike times. :param sequence signals: A sequence of :class:`neo.core.AnalogSignal` objects from which the spikes are extracted. The waveforms of the returned spikes are extracted from these signals in the same order they are given. :type length: Quantity scalar :param length: The length of the waveform to extract as time scalar. :type align_time: Quantity scalar :param align_time: The alignment time of the spike times as time scalar. This is the time delta from the start of the extracted waveform to the exact time of the spike. :returns: A list of :class:`neo.core.Spike` objects, one for each time point in ``train``. All returned spikes include their ``waveform`` property. :rtype: list """ if not signals: raise ValueError('No signals to extract spikes from') ref = signals[0] for s in signals[1:]: if ref.sampling_rate != s.sampling_rate: raise ValueError( 'All signals for spike extraction need the same sampling rate') wave_unit = signals[0].units srate = signals[0].sampling_rate end = min(s.shape[0] for s in signals) aligned_train = train - align_time cut_samples = int((length * srate).simplified) st = sp.asarray((aligned_train * srate).simplified) # Find extraction epochs st_ok = (st >= 0) * (st < end - cut_samples) epochs = sp.vstack((st[st_ok], st[st_ok] + cut_samples)).T nspikes = epochs.shape[0] if not nspikes: return [] # Create data data = sp.vstack([sp.asarray(s.rescale(wave_unit)) for s in signals]) nc = len(signals) spikes = [] for s in xrange(nspikes): waveform = sp.zeros((cut_samples, nc)) for c in xrange(nc): waveform[:, c] = \ data[c, epochs[s, 0]:epochs[s, 1]] spikes.append(neo.Spike(train[st_ok][s], waveform=waveform * wave_unit, sampling_rate=srate)) return spikes

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