Source code for spykeutils.sorting_quality_assesment

""" Functions for estimating the quality of spike sorting results. These
functions estimate false positive and false negative fractions.

from __future__ import division

import scipy as sp
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import quantities as pq
import neo

from spykeutils.progress_indicator import ProgressIndicator

[docs]def get_refperiod_violations(spike_trains, refperiod, progress=None): """ Return the refractory period violations in the given spike trains for the specified refractory period. :param dict spike_trains: Dictionary of lists of SpikeTrain objects. :param refperiod: The refractory period (time). :type refperiod: Quantity scalar :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`spykeutils.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :returns: Two values: * The total number of violations. * A dictionary (with the same indices as ``spike_trains``) of arrays with violation times (Quantity 1D with the same unit as ``refperiod``) for each spike train. :rtype: int, dict """ if type(refperiod) != pq.Quantity or \ refperiod.simplified.dimensionality != pq.s.dimensionality: raise ValueError('refperiod must be a time quantity!') if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() total_violations = 0 violations = {} for u, tL in spike_trains.iteritems(): violations[u] = [] for i,t in enumerate(tL): st = t.copy() st.sort() isi = sp.diff(st) violations[u].append(st[isi < refperiod].rescale(refperiod.units)) total_violations += len(violations[u][i]) progress.step() return total_violations, violations
[docs]def calculate_refperiod_fp(num_spikes, refperiod, violations, total_time): """ Return the rate of false positives calculated from refractory period calculations for each unit. The equation used is described in (Hill et al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2011). :param dict num_spikes: Dictionary of total number of spikes, indexed by unit. :param refperiod: The refractory period (time). If the spike sorting algorithm includes a censored period (a time after a spike during which no new spikes can be found), subtract it from the refractory period before passing it to this function. :type refperiod: Quantity scalar :param dict violations: Dictionary of total number of violations, indexed the same as num_spikes. :param total_time: The total time in which violations could have occured. :type total_time: Quantity scalar :returns: A dictionary of false positive rates indexed by unit. Note that values above 0.5 can not be directly interpreted as a false positive rate! These very high values can e.g. indicate that the chosen refractory period was too large. """ if type(refperiod) != pq.Quantity or \ refperiod.simplified.dimensionality != pq.s.dimensionality: raise ValueError('refperiod must be a time quantity!') fp = {} factor = total_time / (2 * refperiod) for u,n in num_spikes.iteritems(): if n == 0: fp[u] = 0 continue zw = (violations[u] * factor / n**2).simplified if zw > 0.25: fp[u] = 0.5 + sp.sqrt(0.25 - zw).imag continue fp[u] = 0.5 - sp.sqrt(0.25 - zw) return fp
[docs]def calculate_overlap_fp_fn(means, spikes): """ Return a dict of tuples (False positive rate, false negative rate) indexed by unit. Details for the calculation can be found in (Hill et al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2011). This function works on prewhitened data, which means it assumes that all clusters have a uniform normal distribution. Data can be prewhitened using the noise covariance matrix. The calculation for total false positive and false negative rates does not follow (Hill et al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2011), where a simple addition of pairwise probabilities is proposed. Instead, the total error probabilities are estimated using all clusters at once. :param dict means: Dictionary of prewhitened cluster means (e.g. unit templates) indexed by unit as Spike objects or numpy arrays for all units. :param dict spikes: Dictionary, indexed by unit, of lists of prewhitened spike waveforms as Spike objects or numpy arrays for all units. :returns: Two values: * A dictionary (indexed by unit) of total (false positives, false negatives) tuples. * A dictionary of dictionaries, both indexed by units, of pairwise (false positives, false negatives) tuples. :rtype: dict, dict """ units = means.keys() if not units: return {}, {} if len(units) == 1: return {units[0]: (0.0, 0.0)}, {} prior = {} total_spikes = 0 for u, mean in means.iteritems(): if isinstance(mean, neo.Spike): means[u] = sp.asarray(mean.waveform.rescale(pq.uV)).reshape(-1) total_spikes += len(spikes[u]) if total_spikes < 1: return {u: (0.0, 0.0) for u in units}, {} false_positive = {} false_negative = {} for u, s in spikes.iteritems(): prior[u] = len(s) / total_spikes false_positive[u] = 0 false_negative[u] = 0 # Arrays of unnormalized posteriors (likelihood times prior) # for all units posterior = {} # Convert Spike objects to arrays for u, spks in spikes.iteritems(): spikelist = [] for s in spks: if isinstance(s, neo.Spike): spikelist.append( sp.asarray(s.waveform.rescale(pq.uV)).reshape(-1)) else: spikelist.append(s) spikes[u] = spikelist # Calculate posteriors for u1 in units[:]: if not spikes[u1]: units.remove(u1) continue posterior[u1] = {} for u2, mean in means.iteritems(): llh = _multi_norm(sp.array(spikes[u1]), mean) posterior[u1][u2] = llh*prior[u2] #print posterior[u1][u2] # Calculate pairwise false positives/negatives singles = {u:{} for u in units} for i, u1 in enumerate(units): u1 = units[i] for u2 in units[i+1:]: f1 = sp.sum(posterior[u1][u2] / (posterior[u1][u1] + posterior[u1][u2]), dtype=sp.double) f2 = sp.sum(posterior[u2][u1] / (posterior[u2][u1] + posterior[u2][u2]), dtype=sp.double) singles[u1][u2] = (f1 / len(spikes[u1]) if spikes[u1] else 0, f2 / len(spikes[u1]) if spikes[u1] else 0) singles[u2][u1] = (f2 / len(spikes[u2]) if spikes[u2] else 0, f1 / len(spikes[u2]) if spikes[u2] else 0) # Calculate complete false positives/negatives with extended bayes for u1 in units: numerator = posterior[u1][u1] normalizer = sum(posterior[u1][u2] for u2 in units) false_positive[u1] = sp.sum((normalizer-numerator)/normalizer) other_units = units[:] other_units.remove(u1) numerator = sp.vstack((posterior[u][u1] for u in other_units)) normalizer = sp.vstack(sum(posterior[u][u2] for u2 in units) for u in other_units) false_negative[u1] = sp.sum(numerator/normalizer) # Prepare return values, convert sums to means totals = {} for u,fp in false_positive.iteritems(): fn = false_negative[u] if not spikes[u]: totals[u] = (0,0) else: num = len(spikes[u]) totals[u] = (fp / num, fn / num) return totals, singles
def _multi_norm(x, mean): """ Evaluate pdf of multivariate normal distribution with a mean at rows of x with high precision. """ d = x.shape[1] fac = (2*sp.pi) ** (-d/2.0) y = cdist(x, sp.atleast_2d(mean), 'sqeuclidean') * -0.5 return fac * sp.exp(sp.longdouble(y))

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