Requirements ============ Spykeutils is a pure Python package and therefore easy to install. It depends on the following additional packages: * Python_ >= 2.7 * neo_ >= 0.2.1 * scipy_ * guiqwt_ >= 2.1.4 (Optional, for plotting) * tables_ (Optional, for analysis results data management. Also known as PyTables.) * scikit-learn_ (Optional, for spike sorting quality analysis using Gaussian cluster overlap.) Please see the respective websites for instructions on how to install them if they are not present on your computer. If you use Linux, you might not have access rights to your Python package installation directory, depending on your configuration. In this case, you will have to execute all shell commands in this section with administrator privileges, e.g. by using ``sudo``. Download and Installation ========================= The easiest way to get spykeutils is from the Python Package Index. If you have pip_ installed:: $ pip install spykeutils Alternatively, if you have setuptools_:: $ easy_install spykeutils Users of NeuroDebian_ or its repositories (available for Debian and Ubuntu) can also install spykeutils using the package manager instead of pip_:: $ sudo apt-get install python-spykeutils Alternatively, you can get the latest version directly from GitHub at The master branch (selected by default) always contains the current stable version. If you want the latest development version (not recommended unless you need some features that do not exist in the stable version yet), select the develop branch. You can download the repository from the GitHub page or clone it using git and then install from the resulting folder:: $ python install Usage ===== For the most part, spykeutils is a collection of functions that work on Neo objects. Many functions also take quantities as parameters. Therefore, make sure to get an overview of :mod:`neo` and :mod:`quantities` before using spykeutils. Once you are familiar with these packages, have a look at the :ref:`examples` or head to the :ref:`apiref` to browse the contents of spykeutils. .. _`Python`: .. _`neo`: .. _`guiqwt`: .. _`tables`: .. _`quantities`: .. _`scikit-learn`: .. _`pip`: .. _`scipy`: .. _`setuptools`: .. _`NeuroDebian`: