Source code for spykeutils.plot.helper

This module contains some utility functions that are usefult in plot creation.

import functools

import scipy as sp

from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
from guiqwt.builder import make

class _MarkerName:
    """ Helper class to create marker name functions for different strings.

    def __init__(self, name): = name

    #noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def get_name(self, x, y):

def _needs_qt(function):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        if not QApplication.instance():
   = QApplication([])
        ret = function(*args, **kwargs)
        return ret

    return inner = None

# Make need_qt decorator preserve signature if decorator package is available
    from decorator import FunctionMaker

    def decorator_apply(dec, func):
        return FunctionMaker.create(
            func, 'return decorated(%(signature)s)',
            dict(decorated=dec(func)), __wrapped__=func)

    def needs_qt(func):
        """ Decorator for functions making sure that an initialized PyQt exists.
        return decorator_apply(_needs_qt, func)
except ImportError:
    needs_qt = _needs_qt

# Optimum contrast color palette (without white and black), see
__default_colors = [
    '#575757',  # Dark Gray
    '#ad2323',  # Red
    '#2a4bd7',  # Blue
    '#296914',  # Green
    '#614a19',  # Brown (lower R to better distinguish from purple)
    '#8126c0',  # Purple
    '#a0a0a0',  # Light Gray
    '#81c57a',  # Light Green
    '#9dafff',  # Light Blue
    '#29d0d0',  # Cyan
    '#ff9233',  # Orange
    '#ffee33',  # Yellow
    '#b6ab88',  # Tan (darkened for better visibility on white background)
    '#ff89d1']  # Pink (darkened for better visibility on white background)

__colors = __default_colors

[docs]def get_color(entity_id): """ Return a color for an int. """ return __colors[entity_id % len(__colors)]
[docs]def get_object_color(unit): """ Return a color for a Neo object, based on the 'unique_id' annotation. If the annotation is not present, return a color based on the hash of the object. """ try: if 'unique_id' in unit.annotations: return get_color(unit.annotations['unique_id']) except Exception: return get_color(hash(unit)) return get_color(hash(unit))
[docs]def set_color_scheme(colors): """ Set the color scheme used in plots. :param sequence colors: A list of strings with HTML-style color codes (e.g. ``'#ffffff'`` for white). If this is ``None`` or empty, the default color scheme will be set. """ global __colors global __default_colors if not colors: __colors = __default_colors else: __colors = colors
[docs]def add_events(plot, events, units=None): """ Add Event markers to a guiqwt plot. :param plot: The plot object. :type plot: :class:`guiqwt.baseplot.BasePlot` :param sequence events: The events (neo :class:`neo.Event` objects). :param Quantity units: The x-scale of the plot. If this is ``None``, the time unit of the events will be use. """ for m in events: nameObject = _MarkerName(m.label) if units: time = m.time.rescale(units) else: time = m.time plot.add_item( make.marker( (time, 0), nameObject.get_name, movable=False, markerstyle='|', color='k', linestyle=':', linewidth=1))
[docs]def add_spikes(plot, train, color='k', spike_width=1, spike_height=20000, y_offset=0, name='', units=None): """ Add all spikes from a spike train to a guiqwt plot as vertical lines. :param plot: The plot object. :type plot: :class:`guiqwt.baseplot.BasePlot` :param train: A spike train with the spike times to show. :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` :param str color: The color for the spikes. :param int spike_width: The width of the shown spikes in pixels. :param int spike_height: The height of the shown spikes in pixels. :param float y_offset: An offset for the drawing position on the y-axis. :param str name: The name of the spike train. :param Quantity units: The x-scale of the plot. If this is ``None``, the time unit of the events will be use. :returns: The plot item added for the spike train """ if units: train = train.rescale(units) spikes = make.curve( train, sp.zeros(len(train)) + y_offset, name, 'k', 'NoPen', linewidth=0, marker='Rect', markerfacecolor=color, markeredgecolor=color) s = spikes.symbol() s.setSize(spike_width - 1, spike_height) spikes.setSymbol(s) plot.add_item(spikes) return spikes
[docs]def add_epochs(plot, epochs, units=None): """ Add Epoch markers to a guiqwt plot. :param plot: The plot object. :type plot: :class:`guiqwt.baseplot.BasePlot` :param sequence epochs: The epochs (neo :class:`neo.Epoch` objects). :param units: The x-scale of the plot. If this is ``None``, the time unit of the events will be use. """ for e in epochs: if units: start = e.time.rescale(units) end = (e.time + e.duration).rescale(units) else: start = e.time end = e.time + e.duration time = (start + end) / 2.0 o = make.range(start, end) o.setTitle(e.label) o.set_readonly(True) o.set_movable(False) o.set_resizable(False) o.set_selectable(False) o.set_rotatable(False) plot.add_item(o) nameObject = _MarkerName(e.label) plot.add_item(make.marker( (time, 0), nameObject.get_name, movable=False, markerstyle='|', color='k', linestyle='NoPen', linewidth=1))
[docs]def make_window_legend(win, objects, show_option=None): """ Create a legend in a PlotDialog for a given sequence of neo objects. :param win: The window where the legend will be added. :type win: :class:`spykeutils.plot.dialogs.PlotDialog` :param sequence objects: A list of neo objects which will be included in the legend. :param bool show_option: Determines whether a toggle for the legend will be shown (if the parameter is not ``None``) and if the legend is visible initially (``True``/``False``). """ if not objects: return legend = [] for u in objects: if u is not None: name = else: name = 'No identifier' legend.append((get_object_color(u), name)) win.add_color_legend(legend, show_option)

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