Source code for spykeutils.plot.spike_amp_hist

import scipy as sp
import quantities as pq

from guiqwt.plot import BaseImageWidget
from guiqwt.builder import make

from ..progress_indicator import ProgressIndicator
from .. import SpykeException
from ..stationarity import spike_amplitude_histogram as sah
import helper
from dialog import PlotDialog

[docs]def spike_amplitude_histogram(trains, num_bins, uniform_y_scale=True, x_unit=pq.uV, progress=None): """ Create a spike amplitude histogram. This plot is useful to assess the drift in spike amplitude over a longer recording. It shows histograms (one for each `trains` entry, e.g. segment) of maximum and minimum spike amplitudes. :param list trains: A list of lists of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. Each entry of the outer list will be one point on the x-axis (they could correspond to segments), all amplitude occurences of spikes contained in the inner list will be added up. :param int num_bins: Number of bins for the histograms. :param bool uniform_y_scale: If True, the histogram for each channel will use the same bins. Otherwise, the minimum bin range is computed separately for each channel. :param Quantity x_unit: Unit of Y-Axis. :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`spykeutils.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :return: """ if not trains: raise SpykeException('No spikes trains for Spike Amplitude Histogram!') if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() hist, down, up = sah(trains, num_bins, uniform_y_scale, x_unit, progress) num_channels = len(down) columns = int(round(sp.sqrt(num_channels))) win = PlotDialog(toolbar=True, wintitle="Spike Amplitude Histogram") for c in xrange(num_channels): pW = BaseImageWidget( win, yreverse=False, lock_aspect_ratio=False) plot = pW.plot img = make.image(sp.log(hist[:, :, c] + 1), ydata=[down[c], up[c]], interpolation='nearest') plot.add_item(img) plot.set_axis_title(plot.Y_LEFT, 'Amplitude') plot.set_axis_unit(plot.Y_LEFT, x_unit.dimensionality.string) win.add_plot_widget(pW, c, column=c % columns) progress.done() win.add_custom_image_tools() win.add_x_synchronization_option(True, range(num_channels)) win.add_y_synchronization_option(uniform_y_scale, range(num_channels)) return win

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